WIB company, founded in 1992, is a Polish manufacturer of clothes, textile gadgets and embellishments produced with the use of screen printing, sublimation and embroidery technology. A vision of our company is to consolidate the whole production process, i.e. designing, sewing, embellishment, and packing. Each stage is under constant control in order to ensure the highest quality of services. Apart from the production, our agency includes sale representatives department, art studio, and product’s preparation department. We specialize in the execution of orders in the supply chain of production companies and advertising agencies. Not only we have established cooperation with various companies, but also we create own collections, which constitutes an agency’s development.
Advertising clothing – printing on t-shirt Poland
With an eye to the growing expectations of clients, our offer includes worldwide well-known clothing brands. They are perfect for labelings, such as printing, dye-sublimation printing or embroidery. Our company recommends a wide choice of products including T-shirts and interesting cuts from premium brands that match up to everyone’s expectations. What is more, we recommend checking our sewing offer. Every object produced by WIB company can be an excellent source of information and advertisement, especially the print on your T-shirt or bag carrying a message. We enable individual design and personalization of the product, which will make it original and, above all, it will suit the image of the given brand.
We are at Your disposal on working days from Monday till Friday during the hours of 8:00 – 16:00
Outside normal working hours You can leave the message on our e-mail.
We will contact You as soon as possible.
tel.: +48 85 65 34 407
tel. kom.: +48 502 687 808
e-mail: sekretariat@wib.pl
Katarzyna Prościo
tel. kom.: +48 500 221 708
e-mail: k.proscio@wib.pl
Katarzyna Hrynko
tel. kom.: +48 502 504 340
e-mail: k.hrynko@wib.pl